Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Facebook is 10!

#FacebookIs10 and I've been on it for 6! Talk about Changing the World - who comes to your mind first? Gandhi, Hitler, Che, Mandela? Well all of them did, in some way or at least tried, in more ways. But Mark Zuckerberg and the team (by team I refer to every single person involved in the formulation of the idea, implementation, past and current operations of Facebook) -...

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

7 Things the Brits gave Sri Lanka

Every year on the 4th of Feb, Sri Lankan's celebrate a 'supposed' Independence Day. It's nothing much really, just one more public holiday in the Lankan calendar (which already has about 30! - yes, Sri Lanka only has 11 months of work for the year!) A lot of us grumble saying that we would probably be better off if the Suddha's* never left. So here's a small list of random...